There's no time like the present
Don't put off getting ready - seize the day!
Our guide to putting you in the best position to buy or sell a property.
Are you looking to buy, or sell?
Don't put off getting ready - seize the day!
The first step is vital, too often buyers view properties before even knowing what's affordable to them - get your Agreement In Principle set by your mortgage lender - this puts you ahead when you start viewing.
Pick up the phone or drop us a message. Let's get our viewing together.
It's time to get all your ducks in a row!
Go and get a quote for your conveyancing, it's quick and easy - but more importantly, it gets you ready, as you will be asked by the estate agent.
You're now in the very best position to put an offer forward - you know your mortgage details and conveyancing information.
It's not quite time to pat yourself on the back just yet!
It's time to start putting your money where your mouth is! Try to get this done within 24 hours of an offer being accepted and ensure your Mortgage Survey is also constructed.
You're nearly there now, just your conveyancing paper work to complete and send back - don't forget to pay for your Search Fees at this point too.
Sounds obvious! We will not only come and put a value on your property but all so give you as much insight into the market as you need.
Understand what you can afford and be mortgage ready - get an Agreement In Principle from a lender. Ensure you understand all the costs involved in selling and buying.
Now your monies are organised, let’s get you moving!
The presentation and marketing of your property is now key. Leave the brilliant photography to us!
It's now important that you start your conveyancing paperwork - this will speed up your sale when you find a buyer. And maybe more importantly ... you've got the time to do it now!
You're now in the very best position to put an offer forward - you know your mortgage details and conveyancing information.
Here comes to exciting bit! Whether you're conducting them yourself or you want us to do it for you - it's all about getting people to fall in love with your property.
You're now in the best position to make the right decision as your mortgage is organised and legal paperwork is complete. You can now confidently accept offers and find the best buyer for your property.
You’ve accepted the offer and you’re happy with the buyer and as you have been organised from the start, all you need to do now is find your new property. Exciting times ahead!